"Rikesh Chauhan, known as RKZ, is the modern Renaissance man. His many talents as a recording artist, photographer, writer, and creative resonates in his impeccable style, through which a delicate and thoughtful approach to fashion is visible… [His] eternally sophisticated aesthetic demonstrates how attention to detail is vital when creating fashion ensembles.” - Eve Parsons for Jewel Street, 2019.


ISTO. doesn’t rely on seasonal collections. They care for everyday clothes that fit our everyday needs. That's why they only have one single collection and try to make it permanently available, focusing on fashion staples that could be better, and working on those staples until they are done perfectly. I styled a few of their pieces and spoke to them about it. Read the interview here.


“Based in London, Rikesh Chauhan has for the last few years carved himself a niche within the menswear and lifestyle world. He is, by all accounts, a man about town that spins many, many plates with interests that come from far and wide. He’s a photographer, writer and social media wizard, whilst also being an ambassador for CALM, a charity that supports men’s mental health, and recently became a first time parent. With an appreciative eye for detail and understanding of craftsmanship, he took our braided belt in walnut brown for a stroll through the East End.” Read the interview here.


Back to business, and back in the city with Eton Shirts’ Activate Business Mode campaign. Shirt, tie and pocket square by Eton, photographed by @theexiledbrit.


Established in 2012, Hat of Cain have grown from humble beginnings with a handful of classic styles to a wide selection of over forty designs suitable for both men and women. Made using weave grades that have been carefully sourced from the finest weavers in Ecuador, we took them for a spin around Florence.


“Rikesh has supported Acre & Row since its inception. As an individual he has contributed significantly to the menswear industry - his knowledge of brands, photography and overall product. It was therefore a pleasure to finally catch up with Rikesh and talk about his thoughts on some of the recent topics in menswear.” Read the interview here.


MR. cavaliere’s how i suit up podcast

In Episode 6 of Mr. Cavaliere’s How I Suit Up Podcast, I chat with Jonathan about everything from menswear and photography, to my personal wardrobe, music, and what I feel is in store for 2021. Listen to the interview here.


ITOH, 2020

ITOH are a Delhi-based menswear brand, who specialise in creating clothing from fabric exclusively made in India. With photography by The Exiled Brit, I’m wearing Article No IT.019.05.168 in a 100% cotton in natural/off-black. Trousers are by Kit Blake, shoes by Sanders.

STPL, 2020

STPL (staple) started with the foundation of every man’s wardrobe - the t-shirt. Rooted in a classic style that’s all your own —dressed down, suited up, worn with purpose. They work closely with ethical factories to create pieces that fit perfectly, while being made to last, in turn providing a better life for the people who make them without causing unnecessary harm to the planet. I’m wearing the Pima Cotton crew neck tee in onyx black, with The Rake’s POW check jacket, Kit Blake trousers and Sanders shoes. Coffee and bread by Mae + Harvey. Photography by Hannah Miles.


“I hope to think that people will stop taking things too seriously. Rules are there to be broken, and we should prioritise what makes us feel confident and comfortable. I do hope high street consumer purchasing slows down, and people start considering the origins, labour, process and craftsmanship involved in things they buy. This extends beyond clothing, too. The mentality should be to buy less, but buy better. Look at the things you're missing and really need — only staples — and then invest in that item. A good coat, a good suit, shoes and so on, should last you decades, not months.”

I was interviewed by my friend Gurj Sohanpal, otherwise known as Singh Gentry, to talk about the future of menswear, style pet peeves, influences, music, @therake and much more. Below are some shots from the interview, which you can read in full here.